RSP Lim Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. Rogelio San Pascual Lim (President/ General Manager)
Many business people from abroad including the emerging countries have participated in AOTS training programs. Positions of the targeted participants vary with the programs. Some programs are for the top executives.
We interviewed a president of a construction company in the Philippines.
“Boni Tower” was awarded for the Success Story Contest 2014.
RSP Lim Construction Co., Inc. is a family corporation. It was established in 1994 and started off as a general building and general engineering company, and this June, we were upgraded to category “AA”. Also last week (July, 2018), our company secured ISO 9001:2015. We have been doing business with the private sector since 1994 but this year we ventured aggressively to do construction projects with the government. The government has been recently promoting large-scale development of infrastructure in the Philippines, just like Japan, such as railways and airports.
Our strength is primarily built up by the individual strength of the members of my family. For a start, I am a civil engineer by profession and so is my wife, who is also the vice president and treasurer of our company. She is also a licensed Real Estate Broker (REB). My eldest daughter is a lawyer, a REB, and also a licensed Real Estate Appraiser (REA). My second child is an architect and REB, and my youngest son is an IT expert. They are also real estate developers as well. We constructed and are currently marketing the “Boni Tower”, an epoch-making green building which was the subject I presented and was awarded for the Success Story Contest in 2014.